Editing Services

I’m a freelance book editor, and I will work with publishers or directly with authors. I edit full-length manuscripts of memoir and poetry, and will consider fiction. Please get in touch to discuss rates and the kind of support you need. I welcome all queries.

I will also consider smaller projects; feel free to approach me if you want help with a single story or a batch of poems.

Depending on availability, I do occasionally also accept little odd jobs, anything from a short marketing blurb for a course you’re pitching to your community centre or your wedding vows. If you have a small but important piece of writing that you want to feel really confident about, don’t be shy! Send me an email; I can usually help out for a minimum fee.

It’s my goal as an editor to help the story or poem be the best it can be, not how I might have written it if I were its writer. I am a passionate storyteller, problem-solver and language lover. I’d love to hear about your book and what I can do to help.

Email: ruthedaniell@gmail.com